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Preparing Your Home for the Holidays in 2020

Holiday gatherings may be smaller than usual this year, but our desire to have our homes sparkling clean for guests (and ourselves) is higher than ever—given the concerns of cold and flu season. Here are five ways to shine up your home, with the help of SoClean’s products and more:

  1. Start with the air. We all want our indoor air to be free of dust, allergens, viruses and bacteria. Depending on where you live, keeping windows and doors open is always helpful, but in most of the U.S., ’tis not the season. That’s why the holidays are the perfect time for the portable SoClean Air Purifier,1 which eliminates 99.99999% of viruses and bacteria and is up to 3,000 times more effective than HEPA standards.*
  2. Keep surfaces clean. Have on hand a quick and easy way to disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as door knobs, light switches and toilet handles. Stash disinfecting wipes in various rooms to make it easier to give everything a quick wipe-down.
  3. Don’t forget personal items and devices. Even if you’ve done a good job cleaning the surfaces in your home, viruses and bacteria can still linger on the things we touch the most, such as key fobs, phones, earbuds, jewelry and sunglasses. One no-fuss solution to keeping these items fresh is the SoClean Device Disinfector,4 which uses activated oxygen (also known as ozone) to kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on these personal items in just minutes.**
  4. Give your kitchen some love. Before the holidays begin, consider deep-cleaning your kitchen. Going into the season with everything fresh and organized can infuse new joy into cooking and baking. Key tasks to tackle: clean the oven, organize the pantry, wipe down the microwave, thoroughly clean your fridge and freezer, and sort and organize drawers and cupboards. Check expiration dates, toss anything that has gone bad, and donate canned items you don’t think you will eat.
  5. Zap stains. Celebrations and spills go hand in hand, especially if there will be kids around. Be prepared with an effective carpet and upholstery stain remover—you can even find specialized ones for removing red wine and grease stains. Getting stains dealt with quickly during the family gathering will help both you and your guests feel more at ease.

Being prepared with the cleaning and disinfection products that ready your home for guests will give everyone a bit more peace of mind this year—leaving you and your family to revel in the joys of the season.

*Allergens include dust, pollen and smoke. Viruses and bacteria are based on Staphylococcus aureus and ꚛX174 bacteriophage data. For more information, visit the SoClean Air Purifier Test Results Page.

** SoClean Device Disinfector is effective at killing 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria on many items at the longest cycle time. For more information and a list of examples, visit the Device Disinfector Test Results Page.


This blog post is not medical advice. Always follow the CDC guideline for disease prevention and if you have any medical questions, please consult your doctor.


  1. SoClean Air Purifier
  2. How Often to a Replace Furnace Filter? Here are the Latest Guidelines” by Christopher D. Schiebel, Better Home Guides, July 2020. 
  3. DIY Disinfectant Wipes” by Tara Dodrill, New Life on a Homestead, accessed October 2020. 
  4. SoClean Device Disinfector