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Falling Asleep on Summer Nights

In the middle of July, when the mercury hits the high nineties and even our sun-loving cat looks for a shady place to sleep, it's hard to believe it was ever cold here. It's hard to believe that there was ever snow on our front lawn. But the hallmark of life in New England is four full seasons, and we experience each one with intensity. This summer is no exception.

Some people might find it hard to fall asleep during summer months. I know I've spent more than a few nights tossing and turning and looking at clock. Why is it harder to fall asleep during summer? One reason is simply the temperature.

You might find yourself thinking, "I can't fall asleep; it's just too hot!" Good news: it's not all in your head. It's actually your body speaking to you. It's natural to fall asleep as your body cools. If your body can't cool down, the air temperature is probably too close to body temperature for comfort. Remember, human body temperature is normally 98.6 F. If your bedroom measures at stuffy 80 F, it's not going to be easy to fall- and stay- asleep. Try running fans or even installing a small A/C unit just for your bedroom. Your body will thank you with a good night of rest.