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“Masks for New Hampshire” Continue Deliveries to NH Healthcare Organizations

Peterborough, NH – Over the weekend of April 3rd, “Masks for New Hampshire” (a program created by SoClean, Inc. of Peterborough, NH and supported by several generous NH-based donors) donated and distributed over 25,000 masks to more than 40 healthcare facilities across the state. SoClean employees served as the couriers for most of these deliveries. 

The program will schedule deliveries for an additional 175,000 masks arriving in NH beginning 4/10, to over 200 healthcare facilities throughout the state using a courier service made up of nearly 50 SoClean employees.

“We continue to hear from healthcare organizations across the state that have mask shortages and need a short-term supply. Our goal is to get these masks to organizations as soon as possible so they can help ensure the safety of those on the front lines who are working tirelessly to fight this pandemic,” said Robert Wilkins, CEO of SoClean.

Eric Burbank, vice president of operations at SoClean has been managing logistics for the “Masks for New Hampshire” program. In order to more effectively get the word out regarding the program, Burbank has been working closely with representatives from the Department of Health and Human Services, the Bureau of Emergency Management and The Foundation for Healthy Communities to ensure healthcare organizations throughout the state are aware of the program.

“Since joining forces with these agencies to communicate the details of the program to the state's many healthcare facilities, we’ve heard from more than 200 such organizations. In addition to healthcare, we are also hearing from Police, Fire and EMT in many towns. The theme is consistently the same in our conversations. PE supplies are limited and the most critical items, including masks, are running low,” Burbank said.

Wilkins added: “We’re all so grateful to all who have volunteered time and donated funds to this program. We are most grateful to the front-line healthcare workers who are serving their NH communities with courage and conviction. These masks are the least we can do to show our gratitude to them.”

Healthcare facilities interested in being included on the distribution list should contact with information about the organization’s needs.

For up to date information, follow SoClean on Twitter and help spread the word by using hashtag #MasksforNH.